random work related stuff, and more

Just my thoughts about random work related things

Internet Explorer 8 (ie 8)

I just tried Internet Explorer 8 from Microsoft, and yes it is still Internet Explorer, and yes it has some new features, but is it something that will change my life? No, probably not, but I really like the activities functionality that for sure will make my life a bit easier, and not fill my explorer with tabs.

Some new functionality have been introduced;

  • Activities menu
  • Web slices

The activities menu you can see an example of here to the right, its a nice functionality but not revolutionary, and the web slices seems to be nice functionality but the webpages need some adaptaions to support it. And yes … it is Microsoft so there will be pages out there that support the functionality.

In my example I marked the text "Kineticsware" and tried to look it up on the maps, but it didnt get it right … (There are ofcourse explanations to this, but somewhat fun at least)

The wrapup of this new version is that, sure it is fun with a new version, but at first look this version does not give me personally very much, I have not used it long enough to be able to determine if it is faster and the reliability wouldnt be fair to jsutify at the moment when it is a beta version.


Written by Urban Nilsson

2008/03/24 at 21:56

Posted in Tech Overview